These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. They are not to replace the advice of your physicians.
This item is for licensed Healthcare practitioners ONLY. For practitioner's and wholesale accounts, please login for wholesale price.
Clinical Applications: Qi deficiency; blood deficiency fatigue; poor appetite; irregular menstruation;
dry hair and skin; pale complexion; dizziness; poor memory; inability to concentrate; anemia; recovery
from childbirth; recovery from surgery; recovery from prolonged illness; insomnia; blurred vision.
Therapeutic Actions: Tonifies and augments Qi and blood.
適用 : 补气益血。用于气血两虚,面色蒼白或萎黄,食欲不振,四肢乏力,月经不調,心悸怔症等。
當歸, 川芎, 黨參, 白朮(炒), 茯苓, 甘草, 白芍, 地黃(熟)